Friday, October 21, 2011

On ThE mOvE!!

Well it is with a heavy heart we have to start the awful sad process of telling our favorite people goodbye. It seems Rob is really loving his new job and the area. He's picked out our new home and is going crazy without us. So.. Here goes.. The countdown begins.....Now!! 11 days left to spend with the greatest friends and family a person could ask for. We'll live it up and then set out for a new fabulous family adventure! Iowa..I hope you can handle this...

1 comment:

Linzi Lou, Samantha Boo, Madi Moo, and Chris too said...

What the what? First of all, Annikiah is not old enough to date. seriously? (there is no shame in standing on should promote being vertically challenged!) And Bailey in Jr. High. I really can't handle this! Taylor is so big. And you have another beautiful girl. Wow. 5 years sure is a long time. Were you working at Grow up Great? Moving is one of my least favorite things. I hope it goes well. Iowa should be a fun change. We left the mid west too soon! consider yourself stalked!