Monday, August 30, 2010

Back to School!!!

Well it's Monday. Again. Today is the first day of the 2nd week of school for the girls.. And for my little INFANT Taylor...The very first day! He has a new bus and a new driver this year. He gets to ride in with his favorite nurse and best of all one of our favorite little friends! After being kicked and punched and knocked in the gourd.. I finally got him on the bus where he didn't act like he hated it. Now I'm in the house listening to Alda Mae laugh/cry/scream(if she doesn't know how should I?) and I would have got her out of her crib before now but I couldn't tell she was wailing over my own emotional breakdown. JK of course. Truth be told I'm super excited for Tay to start the new year. I anticipate this being his best year yet! But being a mom is hard. The silver lining.. Little Hinck starts school this morning too! Noel? Up for a soda? But where do we go that will seat only the 4 of us? Good Luck to all! Happy School Year!